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A person walks into a circular mandala etched in sand, surrounded by the ocean waves.

About SEEK

SEEK Therapeutic Counselling is a place to explore your life, heal from your challenges, and discover your deepest purpose. As a certified counselling therapist and a person who has committed to her own therapeutic healing, I understand that this journey can be hard, but I also know it can be rewarding. I'd like to walk beside you, offering compassion, experience, non-judgment and care.


Therapeutic counselling is often covered by many insurance plans.

Let’s Talk It Out

Exploring Your Grief. 

A therapist sites with a client who is clasping their hands.

Sometimes, it’s just that simple; you need someone to talk it out with. During this session, you will have a compassionate ear, a nonjudgmental voice, and emotional validator. Together, we’ll develop strategies to help you cope with life’s many complexities or, maybe you just need to work through your thoughts and feelings. Regardless, I offer you my care and steadfast support. 

Youth Counselling 

A person searching, looks out the window with a sad expression on their face.

Grief is powerful and an inevitable part of each of our lives. While we know we are going to experience it, that doesn’t make it any easier. The loss of a relationship, job, and loved-one are among the top reasons we suffer the pain of grief. Aside from that, any number of things can trigger grief-related feelings; sometimes, things like leaving a house or apartment you love, a beloved co-worker changing jobs, or even you getting a new job, can create feelings of unease. Let’s work on it together. Talking it out can help more than you realize.

Depth Psychology 

Adolescence can be a tough time, as you explore becoming an adult, while navigating school, friends, family, your independence, and dependence. Everything around you is changing and sometimes it can feel like you don’t have any control. What can help is having a nonjudgmental and unbiased person to chat with. You deserve a chance to express yourself, while being connected to resources that can help you find a clearer path to your truth and wellbeing.

A black mask held in two hands, representing the persona.

Depth psychology encourages you to go deep inside your unconscious mind. There, you will find hidden content that reveals aspects of yourself you have unknowingly hidden. This type of therapy can take a bit of time, and we encourage you to plan for for six to ten sessions, where you will be encouraged to do your homework! But don’t worry: this homework is exciting! You will record your dreams, partake in active imagination, and connect with your many shadow selves. The end goal? To become a whole and complete version of YOU!

You deserve to be heard; attentively, with compassion, and non-judgement. I'd like to provide that space for you.

A person walking outdoors and along a path, representing the journey we take in our lives.
Path to the Ocean .jpg

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

Carl Jung 

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+1 (902) 500-6262

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